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How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs

URL Optimization Step-By-Step Guide (2025)

As you may know, one of the most fundamental components of web optimization is including SEO in a URL. It appears to be rather easy. All you need to do is add a few words and a few keywords to the URL slug. Correct? Would that be that simple? In actuality, effective URL optimization is based on whole science. But after doing a lot of research, trial and error on my part, I think I've developed a foolproof method. It tries to satisfy search engine bots and enhance the user experience, covering all the bases. All set? Now, let's get started.

How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs

How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs

What is an SEO-friendly URL structure?

Key Point

  • Include crucial keywords in URLs to assist search engines in analyzing the material and help improve the ranking for such terms.
  • Effectively create attractive and readily understandable URLs to improve user experience and click-through rates.
  • Use punctuation to separate words and not underscores to ensure search engines understand each of the terms.
  • Because of their increased usability, shorter URLs may score higher in search results than longer, more complicated ones.

What Is an SEO-Friendly URL?

SEO-friendly URLs are straightforward, simple to read, and contain keywords that accurately reflect the content of a website. For example, a URL like  will assist you in determining whether to go to that link if you're looking for information about cell biology.

Why Are SEO-Friendly URLs Important?

The whole point of having a URL structure on websites that is optimized for search engines is to make the process easier for SEO managers to deal with. A URL shows information about a website, and well-structured URLs help crawlers of search engines easily detect the page specified.

Title tags, meta tags, link anchor text, and your URL all give search engines ranking signals that point to the context of your content.

Google considers many different kinds of URL variables, including

  • URL length
  • URL Path
  • URL Keywords
  • URL String

SEO URL Best Practices

To get the most out of your SEO URL optimization efforts, follow basic best practices just like you would with any other digital marketing strategy. 

I give my best advice for improving your online URL game below.

1. Choose a Top-Level Domain

Let's keep things easy here. For SEO-friendly URLs, using a top-level domain (TLD) is typically your best solution.

Therefore, using a ".com" domain is preferable to ones ending in ".biz," ".pro," ".tel," etc.

2. Opt for HTTPS

Internet users want to be sure they're connecting via a safe connection because identity theft and cybercrime are on the rise. Because of this, using HTTPS is preferable to HTTP. The secure variant of HTTP is called HTTPS, for "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure," in case you're not familiar with the distinctions. This essentially means that it encrypts data on a website, greatly enhancing security. A more SEO-friendly URL can also be created by implementing HTTPS since Google announced in 2014 that it was using HTTPS as a lightweight ranking signal. I recommend taking immediate action to obtain an SSL certificate if your website hasn't already. In the interim, the following quick and simple steps will guide you through the procedure:

  • When purchasing an SSL certificate, you have a variety of providers to select from.
  • You may utilize the right. Right SSL certificate amongst Extended Validation (EV), Organization Validated (OV), and Domain Validated (DV). For startups, DV generally suffices, but EV is ideal for monetary transactions.
  • Issue a CSR: Prior to activating your SSL, you must generate a Certificate Signing Request from your hosting control panel.
  • Enable your SSL: You can use the CSR code that you generated in step above to enable your SSL.
  • Select another way to verify that you are the domain owner. Choose the method that works best for you out of the few available. 
  • Install the SSL: You should install the SSL in your web server within seconds of being issued.
  • Switch all HTTP traffic to HTTPS after installation to ensure that users have access to the secure version of your website.
  • Test SSL: This is a final check to ensure that the SSL certificates are working for you. You can confirm that your SSL certificate is set up successfully and trusted with a number of free tools.

3. Keep the URLs brief

It's straightforward: shorter URLs are better for search engine optimization. No formulas or computations are required. All it takes is to say the more concise, the more effective. Why? Well, user experience is mostly responsible. A searcher can locate what they're looking for more easily with a simpler URL. A URL's maximum character range should be between 50 and 60.

Online users won't be able to see your URL properly if it is significantly longer than, say, 80 characters. Because it's straightforward and provides readers with a clear understanding of what's inside each URL, I personally target three to five words per URL.

4. Give readability a first priority

Let me go into a little more detail about the value of readability and why an SEO-friendly URL must have it. Let's say that one of your posts gets linked to.

You should be set to go if "" is easily readable. However, if your URLs resemble, Visitors might find it difficult to figure out and click on another link:

My point is that while building URLs, you should strive for clarity and simplicity. You should also stay away from stop words like these for the sake of simplicity. An or, a but The only exception is if a URL would be better read and make more sense if a stop word were added. Then, it pays to include it.

5. Utilize Hyphens Rather Than Underscores

For SEO URLs, Should You Use Hyphens or Underscores? In your URLs, hyphens (-) are required. As word separators, they are universally recognized by Google, unlike underscores (_), which we frequently use for filters, UTM, etc. Your URLs won't be recognized if they contain underscoring.

6. Use lowercase letters

Never deviate from using lowercase letters. Why? Although utilizing capital letters can result in redirects, 404 errors, duplicate content problems, and diminished link equity, a letter case has no direct effect on a URL's SEO.

7. Make Use of the "Safe" Characters

I should consider the following when creating an SEO-friendly URL:. It entails substituting "safe" characters for "unsafe" ones in your URL. You want to avoid using unsafe characters since they might cause security problems, data corruption, input validation errors, encoding problems, and a worse user experience for browsers. 

8. Target 1-2 keywords

You might have anticipated that this post will touch on this subject at some point. How should keywords be handled while making SEO-friendly URLs? This is my interpretation. There are many keyword tools that can assist you in adding keywords to your URL so that users and search engine bots can better grasp the content of your website.

9. Avoid utilizing multiple folders

To clarify, "folders" are just the slashes that appear between text in a URL. It's essential to keep the number of folders in your URLs minimal, much like with most other aspects of boosting SEO for your URL. To say it another way, less is more. The second reorganized URL has fewer folders, but users may still understand what the content is about. Additionally, if you really want to be precise about how many folders you use, only use one or two. This greatly improves the visual appeal of your URL and helps search engines understand its meaning.

Best SEO-friendly URL Examples

In a Recap

The core of your website is its URL, and you may boost website traffic by optimizing it. A URL is much more believable, ranks much better in a Google search, and is easy for your audience to share. Creating an SEO-friendly URL involves technical aspects like choosing a top-level domain and SSL certificate, human readability, keywords, and search engines. All of these factors are of great importance when you want to have a good strategy for SEO. In its most basic form, you can optimize your site's structure for search engine optimization by inserting a keyword for clarity and keeping your URLs short, easy to read, and uncomplicated. If you build URLs as part of your SEO checklist with these goals in mind, you need to be set.


1- What are SEO-friendly URLs?

An SEO-friendly URL immediately tells people what the purpose of the page is and gives context to search engines as well. They have one main keyword, are succinct, and are descriptive.

2- How do you create SEO-friendly URLs?

By utilizing pertinent main keywords to create succinct descriptions. Research keywords with a tool

3- Should a URL include keywords?

Yes, you can use keywords in your URL. Just take care not to go overboard and stay clear of repetition. Make sure you include your main keyword in the content so that both readers and search engines understand the purpose of the page.

4- How long can a URL take for SEO?

A URL should be between 55 and 60 characters long. If it is longer than that, you run the risk of having your URL removed from the SERPs and having readability issues.

From SEO and content creation to all-inclusive digital marketing strategies, Optimixia provides specialized solutions to your needs. Come work with us to help you grow your company. Our SEO services help your website shine on search engines!  

Ali Naqi September 27, 2024
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